Alina Blakesley, NBCR
Nationally Board Certified Reflexologist and Licensed Nail Technician

Foot health and well-being is a passion I have nurtured over 40 years of experience. I trained at the Chelsea School of Chiropody in London, England and am a board certified by the National Association of Reflexologists. I have been serving the Mid-coast community for 16 years here in Boothbay Harbor. I also provide monthly services to the island of Vinalhaven.
I enjoy hiking, sailing, kayaking, as well as accordion playing and ballroom dancing. I have walked 400 miles of the El Camino trail in Northern Spain.
Foot Reflexology Session
A relaxing footbath followed by application of pressure to reflex points in your feet. Extra time is spent on tender spots in an attempt to release energy blockages. A detoxifying and rebalancing treatment for the whole body, leaving you relaxed and stress free.
1 hour session $85
Hand & Foot Reflexology
Pressure is applied to many specific points in the feet and hands for relaxation. Excellent treatment for people that work with their hands at the computer or other stressful jobs.
100 minute session $100
Hand Reflexology has proved to be a very effective form of therapy in conjunction with foot Reflexology. When the hands are treated first, the client becomes very relaxed, paving the way for increased benefits from the foot Reflexology session. Self-help tips are given so clients can work on their own hands between treatments or use hand Reflexology as a helpful first aid measure - for that toothache, headache, backache and other ailments.
Start with a relaxing herbal foot bath followed by callous removal, cuticle treatment repair, foot massage and application of polish.
Cost $50-70
Basic Nail Care for Comfort and Convenience
Cost: $50 and up depending on state of nails and skin
Start with a relaxing foot bath followed by nail trimming. Thickened nails can be addressed. Special lotion is applied to dry skin, especially on the heels where thick calluses can form. Advice on foot health is given to prevent problems occurring. This a an excellent service for seniors who find nail trimming a chore.
Reflexology combines with a pedicure.
(Best value)
Start with a relaxing footbath with nail trimmed and callouses and dry skin removed. then relax even more with a reflexology session and end with optional application of polish.
Cost $90
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Foot, Hands, Face Reflexology
A deeply relaxing restorative Reflexology treatment. If you feel overstressed and want a deep relaxation to bring you back to balance then this treatment is for you. You will feel rejuvenated.
Cost $120
Benefits of Reflexology
Reflexology is a science based on the principle that there are reflex areas in the feet and hands that correspond to all the organs, glands and other parts of the body. Reflexology is a unique method of applying pressure with thumb and fingers on these reflex areas with demonstrated health benefits.
How does Reflexology work?
1) by relieving stress and tension through relaxation;
2) by improving blood circulation and promoting the unblocking of nerve impulses;
3) by helping to reconnect and restore balance between mind, body and emotions.
What can it do For You?
Reflexology reduces stress in the body, an important benefit because stress has been found to cause or complicate a large percentage of all health problems.
Since Reflexology treats the whole person, not just the symptoms of disease, most people benefit from treatment. Reflexology is suitable for:
Acute and chronic conditions
Muscular and skeletal pain in jaw, shoulders, neck, back, and hips.
Sleep disorders
Sports injuries
Preventative therapy
An increasing number of people are using this safe, natural therapy as a way of relaxing, balancing and harmonizing the body.
Reflexology is an effective technique to promote health, but it is not intended to replace the care of your physician or podiatrist.

Foot Reflexology, a safe and relaxing way to reduce stress.

A map showing reflex points on the feet that correspond to different parts of the body

Hand and foot reflexology combined has double the benefits of reducing stress, especially if the hands are used in computer or body work.

Pedicures are important to keep callouses down and prevent cracks in heels due to dryness. Nails provide protection but if they get thickened or uncomfortable, professional care can restore them to health.
494 Wiscasset Road, Boothbay 04537
Address is 494 Wiscasset Road Boothbay.
From Rt 1 turn onto Rt 27 go about 7 miles or coming from River road about its about 1/2 mile on Rt 27
Look for Miss Piggy’s mail box. It a white house on the same side. There is a flooring business in the garage space called Begin Again. Park at the left hand side of the building, near my orange Honda Fit, and go through the door where my sign is. You will have to go through the showroom for now until the back door entrance is ready.
Direction to new office.
From BH about 4 miles on Rt 27
Address is 494 Wiscasset Road Boothbay.
Look for Miss Piggy’s mail box. It a white house on the same side as the mail box. There is a flooring business in the garage space called Begin Again. Park at the left hand side of the building, near my orange Honda Fit, and go through the door where my sign is. You will have to go through the showroom for now until the back door entrance is ready.
Call or email with any questions you may have.
Covid-19 Precautions
Signs and symptoms of COVID-19 include:
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fever
- Chills
- Repeated shaking with chills
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- Sore throat
- New loss of taste or smell
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure.
Most patients experience relatively mild symptoms and can recuperate at home, but others, particularly those with underlying medical conditions, may experience more severe respiratory illness.
Simple steps to reduce the spread
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
- Stay home while you're sick and avoid close contact with others
Currently there is no vaccine available to prevent the spread of COVID‑19.
Wear a cloth face covering when in public
The Governor’s order requires Maine people to wear cloth face coverings in all public places regardless of the ability to maintain physical distance, as recommended by the U.S. CDC. The order identifies public settings as:
- Indoor spaces that are accessible to the public such as grocery stores, retail stores, pharmacies and healthcare facilities
- Outdoor spaces such as playgrounds, busy parking lots, and other areas such as lines for takeout service where the public typically gathers in a smaller area
- Public transportation such as a taxi, Uber, Lyft, ride-sharing or similar service
- Ferry, bus, or train
- Any semi-enclosed transit stop or waiting area
Under the order, cloth face coverings are not required for children under age 2, a child in a child care setting, or for anyone who has trouble breathing or related medical conditions, or who is otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.
What to do if you are sick
Call ahead to a health care professional if you develop a fever and symptoms of respiratory illness, such as cough or difficulty breathing. Tell your health care professional about any recent contact with people infected with COVID‑19. Your healthcare professional will work with Maine CDC to determine if you need to be tested for COVID‑19.